Asii turismului vin la Kings Holiday


In eforturile de a dezvolta gustul consumatorilor pentru o viata de calitate, eleganta si rafinament, Kings Holiday aduce, la cea de-a doua editie, unul dintre asii turismului in lume: GNTO (Greek National Tourism Organization).
„In contextul celor mai apropiate activitati de promovare, ne bucuram sa va anuntam ca vom participa la evenimentul Kings Holiday, la World Trade Center (16 – 18 aprilie), in Bucuresti.

Organizatori: BDOBC Business Center si Net Worth Advisory
Partener Oficial: Yacht Club Regal Roman ( YCRR)
Parteneri Principali: Miss Universe Romania, Residence Hotels, Castel Bran,Leo & Leo, Yacht Magazin
Eveniment realizat cu sprijinul: Asociatia Profesionistilor de Turism din Romania (APTR )
Parteneri media: Yacht Expert, Romania Libera, Luxury Magazine, Vacante & Calatorii, Business Adviser, Business Point, Event Bazar, Casino, Travelworld.RO; Infotravelromania.RO; Agentiadepresamondena.RO, alaturi de alti peste 20 de parteneri media
Tourism aces come at Kings Holiday

In its efforts to develop the consumers’ taste for high quality of live, elegance and refinement, Kings Holiday brings to its second edition one of the tourism aces in the world: GNTO (Greek National Tourism Organization).
„Within the context of our shortcoming promotional activities of the running year, we are pleased to inform you that our office will participate at Kings Holiday event, at the World Trade Center (16 – 18th April), in Bucharest. We think that this event constitutes a great opportunity for our Office to promote Greek tourism product in one of the most professional, advanced and effective ways in today’s market,” said Nikos Diakolios, director of the GNTO – Bucharest office.
With the clear objective for 2010 of stabilising Greece at the first position of outgoing destinations for Romanian tourists, GNTO – Bucharest Office is proactive and implicated in several complex actions. 
“Our main objective here is the promotion of Greek Tourism in Romania. In that respect, our activities aim to establish a strong and reliable network of public relations and cooperation with the local tourism authorities and tourism companies and support those who operate with Greece for sending Romanian tourists to our country. As a matter of fact we focus on encouraging and assisting the creation and development of cooperation between Greek and Romanian tourism companies,” stated Mr. Diakolios.
The office started its activities in June 2008 and is a branch of EOT (GNTO) in Athens. It represents the Organization and the Hellenic Ministry of Tourism, but also it is under the auspice of the Hellenic Embassy thanks to Mr. Diakolios who is the attaché for tourism affairs in the Embassy.
This is may be the best example of country branding and professionalism in tourism communication, as the activities GNTO Bucharest are wide and diverse.
“We provide any possible information and support to the travel agents and tour operators in Romania in relation with their activities for outgoing tourism to Greece. We work as a tourism information office as well and in that sense we are always at the disposal of the Romanians who choose to travel to  Greece providing  them with all the necessary information, instructions, advice, assistance  and material. Besides, our Office has the authority and competence, in close cooperation with our head-offices in Athens, to handle and investigate complaints being brought to us by Romanian Tourists or Romanian tourism companies on affairs related to holidays in Greece,” Mr. Diakolios added.
In addition, in the extensive direct approach promotion, GNTO organizes familiarization and info-trips, as well as workshops for professionals and journalists, who are interested in travelling to Greece within the context of promoting tourism destinations. The programs are developed in close collaboration with local administrative authorities (municipalities, prefectures etc).
“Our plan is to open new destinations in Greece for Romanian travellers and to promote new alternative forms of tourism. We are ambitious and optimistic in the sense that, despite the financial adverse circumstances worldwide, we believe that our country will be in the position to offer its Romanian visitors high level services, logical prices and warm hospitality typical of the Greek tradition, as it always did,” underlined the official.
Organizers: BDOBC Business Center and Net Worth Advisory
Official Partner: Yacht Club Regal Roman (YCRR)
Main partners: Miss Universe Romania, Residence Hotels, Castle Bran, Leo & Leo, Yacht Magazin
Event supported by: APTR
Media Partners: Yacht Expert, Romania Libera, Luxury Magazine, Vacante & Calatorii, Business Adviser, Business Point, Event Bazar, Casino, Travelworld.RO, Infotravelromania.RO, Agentiadepresamondena.RO  and other 20 media partners.
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