devine singurul partener oficial Laylax Japonia in Romania


Cand compania Numarul 1 in preferintele jucatorilor de airsoft din intreaga lume, te alege sa fii reprezentantul si distribuitorul oficial pentru produsele sale , stii clar ca joci in alta “liga”.

Inovatie si produse revolutionare, Laylax face imposibilul, posibil.

De la componente pentru imbunatatirea performantelor replicii, (viteza, energie, precizie), accesorii pentru modificarea aspectului exterior al replicii (baze de montare, paturi, RIS-uri, grip-uri, catari, etc) pana la dispzitive optice si echipament, cu produsele Laylax iti poti transforma si personaliza  replica de airsoft in functie de preferintele si necesitatile tale.

Un alt producator japonez care a lucrat si lucreaza continuu pentru a atinge perfectiunea, iar aceasta se reflecta,  bineinteles, in produsul finit.

Vorbim de fapt de produse gandite si concepute de jucatori de airsoft pentru jucatorii de airsoft din intreaga lume.  Modul si stilul de a juca, performantele tale pe “campul de lupta” te deosebesc  de ceilalti jucatori.  De ce replica ta de airsoft ar trebui sa se piarda in multime?

New style, your style.  Pentru ca un upgrade, atat intern cat si extern, nu este doar un moft, ci o necesitate. Sa te distingi, pe orice plan, a devenit vital.

Colaborarea cu Laylax este una dintre cele mai mari satisfactii din istoria noastra ca firma. O victorie, o confirmare, un impuls, un nou  “aliat”.

Suntem mandri sa impartasim aceasta realizare cu voi, cei care ne-ati fost alaturi in toti acesti ani.


Multumim tuturor celor ce au ales sa faca parte din familia!


———————  English Version



When the No. 1 company in the preferences of the airsoft players around the world, chooses you  to be the representative and official distributor for its products, you clearly know that you now play in another „league”.

Innovation and revolutionary products, Laylax makes  the impossible, possible.

From components that  improve the performances of your replica (speed, power, accuracy), accessories that change the look and design (mounting base, stocks, RIS, front grips, sights, etc.) to optical aiming devices and equipment, Laylax products  can transform and customize your airsoft replica  according to your preferences and needs.

Another Japanese producer who worked and is continuously working to achieve perfection, and this is reflected, of course, in the end product.

Actually, we talk about products designed  and made by airsoft players for airsoft players  from all over the world. Your game style,  your performances on the „battlefield” make you different  from other players. Why should your airsoft replica remain anonymous?

New style, your style. Because an upgrade, both internally and externally, it is not just a fad, but a necessity. To distinguish yourself, in any situation, has become vital.

Working with Laylax is one of the greatest satisfactions in our history as a company. A victory, a confirmation, an impulse, a new „ally”.

We are proud to share this achievement with you.


A big thank you for all who decided to be a part of the family!



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