EXCLUSIVITATE: David Hay, CEO AFI Europe Romania, participa la New Europe GRI 2012, Polonia


Peste 150 de lideri europeni din segmentul de real estate, investitori, fonduri de private equity, vor participa la New Europe GRI 2012 – RealEstate Development & Investment in CEE & SEE.

Evenimentul are loc intre 26-27 noimebrie 2012 in Polonia, la Varsovia si conceptul este unul diferit: nu vor avea loc prezentari ci doar discutii in grupuri mici, in jurul unor mese rotunde.

David Hay, CEO al AFI Europe Romania va participa la New Europe GRI 2012 alaturi de alti lideri europeni precum Hauke Brede (CRO Allianz Real Estate), Yann Guen (VP, Mayland Real Estate) sau Patrick Zehetmayr (MD, Erste Group Immorent).

A glimpse of the 20+ discussions: 

  • Alternative Financing – Bridging the Gap?
  • Poland – The only Winner but is there Trouble Ahead?
  • Shopping Centres – Do Investors Have Enough?
  • Romania – Weathering the Storm, Returning Soon?

View the Brochure 
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